Where to Find Freelance Work Right NOW

Adem Hodzic

Written by: Adem Hodzic

Top places to find freelance work.

I am going to keep this introduction as short as possible. Here are the top places where you can find freelance work today.

I used some of these, some of these got recommended to me by other freelancer and some of them I don’t like but I’ve seen people succeed so I listed them anyway.


Email Clients Yourself

In my humble opinion, nothing beats getting a good client like emailing them and offering them your services.

I got my best gigs via this approach.

How can you find these clients? Browse job boards and find companies remote positions. Next, go to their website and check out if they have a contact page.

If not look at their LinkedIn profile and find someone who could be in charge of bringing new talent to their team. This could be their hiring manager, CEO, HR manager or even one of the developers.

I would share some tips on the topic of how to write your emails but I’ve recently read this awesome article by Roshan Perera. Go check it out. One of the most useful articles I have read in a while.

Reddit r/forhire

Reddir r/forhire

For those who don’t know what Reddit is, it’s a mega-forum consisted of smaller, topic-oriented forums called subreddits. Their names are in form of r/ + topicofsubreddit.

One of those subreddits is r/forhire where you can post an offer of your service (title of post annotated by [FOR HIRE]) or post a gig for other redittors (posts with [HIRING]).

With its 137 thousands of followers, for me, this is THE place when I am looking for new gigs.

Some other subreddits you should start using if you are a freelancer are:

Even if you are not planning to use Reddit for freelancing (which is not a very smart idea IMO but who am I to judge), you should still use it in general. There are tons and tons of posts on developing, writing, designing and many more topics.

If you are a writer r/writing prompts to show off your skills to other people.


Hey Adem, didn't you write in your first post to never use these platforms?

Yes, yes, I did say that. Upwork is cancer. Both clients and Upwork as a company.

But people are making serious money with it. Some of my friends are even feeding their families with it. Albeit I still use it from time to time. You never know.

If you are planning to use it here are a couple of tips if you don’t want to starve:

In conclusion, Upwork may have a lot of opportunities but remember that 90% of them are trash. There are a lot of good, nice and caring people there too. If you follow these tips you should be fine. I got my first gig 15 months and 200 proposals after I’ve created a profile there so don’t be discouraged if you don’t land gigs immediately.

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Use Job Boards

Job Boards

I haven’t used this tactic yet so I will try to be as short as possible since all I know about this is from other people.

There are a ton of web sites out there providing job listings with remote or even freelance search tags.

Most popular ones that I could find are:

I would try to contact people that are responsible for hiring people in companies listed on these sites if there are some opportunities for freelance work or even starting as a freelancer and eventually graduating for a full-time remote position

Advertise Yourself

One of the biggest lies of the 21st century is ‘Build it and they will come.’ That’s not how it works. Every mildly successful project requires tons of marketing.

There are infinite ways you can promote yourself. Some of the ways are:



I’ve given you enough places to start looking for projects. So what the hell are you waiting for? The sooner you start the sooner you will (most probably) fail the sooner you will be able to see what works and what not and refine your pitch.

This sounds scary? It shouldn’t be. The world is rough. Everyone wants to eat but no one wants to hunt.

Even if you are failing to land projects but you are learning from the experience, it’s not a failure.

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